I like to make lists. Lots of tasks, written in no particular order, marching down the page. My family loves to tease me about it; “Mom and her lists!” they mumble, rolling their eyes. My favorite part about making lists is crossing off what I’ve done. Sometimes I even include things I’ve already finished just so I can cross them off and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Today’s list was pretty short: Max to groomer’s; return fabric samples; go see Jan at the Thrift Shop, and Memoir Club. Sadly, there was nothing I could cross off without actually doing it.
I only had a half hour to see Jan before Memoir Club. I grabbed my fleece off the back of the kitchen chair noticing the large stain on the upholstered seat. Judi had spilled a mug of Dana’s hot syrupy goodness that he called hot chocolate last December at our first annual siblings’ cookie bake. I made a mental note for a future list: replace fabric on kitchen bar stools.
I reached into my purse feeling around for a pen, double-checked that I had my Memoir notebook, and yelled “Goodbye Rick!”
I found a parking spot right in front of the sign “Duxbury Thrift Shop.” Dodging seniors and shopping carts, I headed toward the back of the store to find Jan.
“Carol! How are you honey? I missed you!” came from behind a rolling rack with a hand-written sign, “Winter Coat Sale.” Dry clean those winter coats and donate them.
I hugged her, “Hi Carol Merry! You smell good!”
“Opium!” she laughed, her bright blue eyes twinkling under fluorescent lights.
Over her shoulder I saw Jan… and Meg, and Mitzi, and Marcia. The Tipsy Tuesday gals! We all started talking at once, our words tumbling over and over. Hugs and smiles and pure joy.
“How are
“I love your
fleece! Great color.”
“I just got
back from Puerto Rico!”
I heard Martha’s
voice calling from the front of the store.
“I heard you
were here! How are you? When’s Peter’s retirement party?”
We had sing-song
voices and my smile was a beacon. I’d
missed these ladies.
Back in my car I
took a quick sip of water, put the car in Drive, and headed to Memoir. Oh no…I didn't talk to Jan! Go
see Jan…
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